Joao Pinelo Silva


On this page you will find information about my work and links to social media profiles.

I am the Head of Data Science, Cloud Infrastructure and Development at the Atlantic International Research Centre. I have been at the Earth Observation Lab (AIR Centre) - a laboratory of the European Space Agency (ESA) - since 2020, where I am responsible for:

  • Senior project manager for building and setting up a data centre.
  • Define and manage systems’ architectures for networking, storage and computation of the datacentre, which I set up as a hybrid cloud.
  • Setting up and managing the ground segment of the Direct Receiving Station, which streams and processes Earth Observation satellite data in real time.
  • Data science pipelines.
  • Software Development, inlcuding web applications.
  • Project management of various projects.
    • Chief architect of the project Sistema de Alerta Pythomices Chartarum (which earned regional funding).
    • Chief architect of the IoT network of the Azores.
    • Chief architect of the Custodian system (which earned international funding).
  • Coordinate the set up of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) node GRID Azores

Between 2010-13, I was Chairman and Chief Product Officer of the startup Strategic Spatial Solutions Inc. which I co-founded in Berkeley, California.

  • Led the board to deliver business strategy, while developing high governance standards.
  • Definition of user requirements and use cases.
  • Liaise with potential clients and final users.
  • Software testing.

I am an alumnus of University College London, where I earned a PhD in architecture.

  • I have (co-)authored scientific papers, including in Nature Communications
  • I have over 18 years of experience in higher education in Europe, the UK, and the Middle East, where I was an Assistant Professor.

I am happiest while leading teams, strategising, playing with new ideas and stress-test them, brainstorming, creating systems architectures, exploring a new dataset, and writing code.

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If I gave you access to my Rstudio Server, you can find it here.